Weight Control

Hypnotherapy can help you take control of your weight

Change your thought patterns to control your weight

In my early days as a hypnotherapist, I was unsure about helping people with weight loss but all that has changed since I devised a short programme that indirectly enabled me to lose weight with very little will-power at all. Although not averse to shedding a few pounds, losing weight was not my conscious intention, but I noticed that what I was imparting to my clients was working on me!

People tell me they have lost weight only to pile it back on again. Others have ‘tried every diet that exists’ with no lasting success. Then people are tempted when baking cakes for the family or attending social gatherings. Emotional eating is another hurdle for many people as is sugar addiction. And there are festive occasions leaving many people feeling unhappy and powerless over their weight.

There are numerous eating plans and ‘slimming clubs’ but where so many of them fall short is that they don’t teach us about the brain and how the subconscious mind can sabotage all a person’s best efforts.

That is until we understand why – and above all how we can alter our thought patterns to change the way we react to situations when we could be tempted to over-eat.

Few people make the link between the behaviours of our ancestors many thousands of years ago and our eating patterns today. So much is hard-wired into the subconscious mind. The good news is that once we understand the links we can address the behaviours by adjusting the way we think.

Then there is exercise. Many new members pour into gyms in January, only to tail off in February. Clients have said to me, ‘I must make myself go for a run,’ or ‘I’m forcing myself to do aerobics every Tuesday.’ Really? If you tried to force a non-athletic family member to take up an energetic sport, would it work? I think not.

Much of our surplus eating and food choices are habit and the good news is that habits can be permanently erased in about forty-five days. I can show you how and equip you with understanding and strategies that are simple but effective. Why not phone me for a chat?

Hypnotherapy is a talking therapy using the best of CBT and NLP, with hypnosis at the end of each session.

Would you like help with weight control?

Contact me today to arrange your no-obligation consultation.

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